Dhaka University Research Society (DURS) is a student-based research organization funded by the University of Dhaka. We are conducting this brief survey to collect data on social perception and preparedness towards Corona virus. This information will be used to identify the individual level of preparedness and awareness to mitigate the risk of Endemic and Pandemic (Coronavirus). If you are a Bangladeshi national or staying in Bangladesh right now, we cordially request you to participate in this survey.
Benefits and Risk: The result of the survey will help us to understand the present awareness condition as well as individual preparedness for COVID-19.There are no direct benefits to the participants from taking this survey.
Data Privacy and Confidentiality: On the last page of the survey, you will be asked to provide your age, gender, email, and phone number. This information will be available only for our research team to check the data accuracy and relevancy. The data in summary tables might use in reports and publications and shared with the participating organizations and individuals upon request. All data will be kept confidential and in a secure database.
Query: If you have any information to know, please e-mail at info@dursbd.com or call (+880) 1515244351 to Tarak Aziz.
Organizational website: https://dursbd.com/
Jargon: Incubation period- In medicine, the time from the moment of exposure to an infectious agent until signs and symptoms of the disease appear.
Research Team:
Tarak Aziz: Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies, University of Dhaka
Nasrin Jabin; President, Dhaka University Research Society
Sneha Sarwar; Research Manager, Dhaka University Research Society