GCFIL-DURS 1st Undergraduate Research Fellowship-2018 Results

Important Announcement

We are very glad to inform you that the results of ‘First Undergraduate Research Fellowship-2018, declared by Global Center for Innovation and Learning, USA and Dhaka University Research Society (DURS) have been published. After reviewing many competent proposals the following three proposals has been selected for the fellowship for 2018:

1. A Research Proposal on-Challenges Facing by Female Students in Politics of University of Dhaka: An Exploratory Research by DURS Politics, Law & Legal System Team

2. A research proposal on-Transportation Services for the Students of
University of Dhaka: An Analysis by DURS Social Science Team

3. A research proposal on- Impact of Indian Media Contents on Bangladeshi Audience by DURS Arts & Culture Team

The three proposals were finalized for the fellowship by scrutinizing the submitted proposals. Fellowships will be provided after a brief interview with three candidates/teams. The time and date of the interview will be announced soon. Congratulations to the Winning Teams!

If you have any questions regarding fellowship please contact:

Global Center for Innovation and Learning, USA co-founder Shakil Malik (sakil.malik@gmail.com) or Saifullah Sadeq (sadeqdurs@gmail.com), founder president of Dhaka University Research Society (DURS)

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